Cool Change Spring Dress
      Bohemian Gypsy Skirts
      Harvey's Seat Belt Bags
      Calvin Klein Lowrise Thong
      Sweetees Yoko Tops
      Chip & Pepper Bareballer Skirt
      Ronny Kobo Terry Clutch
      Converse All-Star Chucks
      Juicy Couture Tube Socks
      Spring Vera Bradley Microfiber

         February 2005
         March 2005

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and flickr

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Thursday, March 03, 2005

Juicy Couture Royalty Sets

Aaahhh! What every girl wants! No need to blabber on about how sweet, hot, and cute these Juicy sets are. Fleecy goodness on top and bottom with royal seal to boot! Get yours in black, pink, white, blue, whatever! Save and live large when you get your Juicy Couture on Ebay!